Friday, February 18, 2011

Winter wear

Wintertime is a very tricky season when it comes to buying outerwear for kids, so here are some important things you should consider when buying clothes and dressing them.

It is important to dress kids in layers, that way if they get hot, it will be easy to make them comfortable by just removing a layer and viceversa. Start even with a short sleeve t-shirt, and finish off with the winter coat. A winter coat should be chosen based on warmth instead of style. Consider a down coat with a waterproof exterior.

When buying the accesories, keep in mind that mittens are better than gloves for younger children since keeping their fingers together will help to maintain them warmer for a longet time. A hat is a must, one with ear flaps is the best option to protect them. A neck warmer is also a better choice than a scarf, its just one piece and it will reduce the chance of strangulation.

The materials to consider are fleece and syntethic materials.

And last but not least, check the weather forecast everyday before dressing your child to know what kind of weather you're facing.


  1. Does synthetic fibers matter when dressing a baby - that is should you try to purchase clothes made from natural fibers such as cotton? And, my concern is directed to new borns and infants.

  2. Very good question Astra!

    Children's skin is usually very delicate and can get affected by allergies easily; many synthetic fabrics contain chemicals and dyes that cannot be washed out, making them more likely to trigger allergies. However, they do have advantages such as strength, being less likely to shrink and having lower costs. When it comes to winter coat, it is recommended however to use synthetic fabric for winter coat
    (see our article

    Besides sporting gear, it would therefore be advisable to limit synthetic fabrics in your children's wardrobe due to the high chemical content.

  3. I agree, outerwear for kids is tricky. I am going to take my niece and nephew out soon and I didn't know how to dress them. Thanks for the great information.
